Review your Google Analytic Retention Settings

Important Reminder from Google:
Review your Data Retention Settings before they take affect on May 25th, 2018!

Effective May 25th, 2018 Google is changing the data retention controls of your Google Analytics.

If Google Analytics is set up on your own account (as is the case with most of our clients) then you would have or should have already received reminders about this.

Google Analytics screenshot

By default, Google sets the User and Event data to expire in 26 months. This can be changed to:

  • 14 months
  • 26 months
  • 38 months
  • 50 months
  • Do not automatically expire

Should you require other settings you can login to your analytics and make the changes following these steps:

You need to have Edit permission for the property to set these options.

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the property you want to edit.
  3. In the PROPERTY column, click Tracking Info > Data Retention.
  4. User-data retention: select the retention period you want.
  5. Reset on new activity: turn the switch on or off.

Why is Google Changing How Long Data is Stored?

This is due to new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules that come into effect May 25th in the European Union (EU).  And because data can travel across national boundaries, meaning users from the EU can visit any site, Google is making these data storage changes around the world.

Should you require CMS Web Solutions to make any changes on your behalf, contact us!