Social Media
Should I add a blog to my website?
Sharing information on social media networks and blogging have become increasingly popular in recent years. In the past we have talked about Social Media Communication and Online Marketing, but in this post we’ll talk about the reasons to add a blog to your website. 4 reasons to add a blog to your website: It’s a way of …
Are you Selling in the Right Place? Online Marketing
Most business people aren’t using the social media platforms you like to use as a consumer to buy products and services. In fact some don’t use social media at all for business. If your next thought is, “well, they are old” or “they aren’t tech savvy”, I would reply that you’re probably making judgements based …
Dark Social: Majority of social sharing is done outside of social media platforms
The conversation began: “I need to do social media for my business” they said. “Great”, I answered, “What’s your business and which social media platforms are your prospective customers or influencers using?” “I’m not sure, but I know I have to do it.” they replied, “Do you have the time?” I asked. “Not really”, they …
5 Ways to Keep Social Media Simple
Social media is an important part of your marketing mix, though it can be overwhelming. Guest contributor, Leslie Hughes of PUNCH!media explains how to keep it simple and effective. I routinely receive the following question at my Social Media seminars: ”How much time should I be dedicating to Social Media?”. My answer is “Marketing time …
Simple explanation of Twitter for those that don’t understand.
Looking out at the older crowd I asked “so who knows what Twitter is and how it works?” A single hand went up from a 19 year old who just finished presenting. Oh boy. So began my impromptu presentation about Twitter. “Who knows what a ticker tape machine is?” All hands went up (other than …
Attention Social Writers: Do I Give A Sh#%@
Great writing is about sharing stories or information that are personal, practical and timely for your audience. I typically ask myself if I received this information, would I give a sh#%@ or DIGS which stands for Do I Give a Share? In this new online world, it’s hard to know if anyone is reading and …
Four Steps to Using LinkedIn as a Referral Tool
Welcome to Andy Lopata, our contributing writer and friend from England. Described as “one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists” by The Financial Times, Andy Lopata FPSA works internationally with global brands to help them make the most of their networks. He is the author of three books on networking and a Fellow of The …