People wonder why I’m such a positive person. Women think I’m wonderful because I pitch in by cooking and cleaning. I do laundry and iron. Heck I even bring home flowers for my wife. I’ll give you my secret, but I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. You see my mother contracted cancer when I …
Smell the snow while it’s still here (Just not the yellow stuff)
Net Generation bigger than Baby Boomers and becoming more influential
The Net Generation, a group bigger than the baby boomers, has a leading edge age of 32 and a tail end of age 11. More of the Net Generation voted in the last US election than those 65 and older. They are very comfortable using technology and the Internet is their primary source of research. …
People prefer Uncomfortable Certainty rather than the Unknown
It’s a strange fact. Most people choose certainty even if they dislike it rather than move into the unknown. There is something about the void of the unknown that scares people. They dislike change and will fight it. We are entering unstable economic times. Many will “batten down the hatches” and run for the safety …