Getting your attention is becoming more difficult with the large amount of information we are bombarded with. So how do you as a small/medium size business get attention for your product/service? It used to be about headlines, but even those strategies are becoming overused and ignored. An effective strategy is to visualize a person in your mind …
Are You Fat? How to get your Attention.
On-Line Yellow Pages are worth the small Investment
Having links that go from other websites to yours is one of the variables that will help your search engine rankings. Highly visited websites are particularly valuable. One key link that many do not take advantage of is a yellow pages listing of their web address. It appears in blue in the book version and …
The Foundation of an Effective Website
Through teaching courses to new businesses and involvement with the Chamber of Commerce organizations, we are exposed to many small companies We are asked time and time again: what do I need to have a good website? Our answer is always the same: a good business. You see for most, websites are just extensions of …